Different people prefer different kinds of coffee--some may like it black, some like it with a bit of milk, while others want their coffee sweetened. That's the great thing about coffee--the taste can be altered  to fit any person's flavour preference. Another characteristic of coffee that gives coffee drinkers different choices in their cup is the roast profile. If you’re a coffee enthusiast, you’ve probably already tried a variety of different roasts and know which one you like the most. But how much do you really know about roast profiles?

The three most common roast profiles in the coffee industry are light roast, medium roast, and dark roast coffees. Some speciality coffee roasters sometimes roast in-between these profiles to give you light to medium roasts or medium to dark roast coffee. The roasting time does not make a roast light or medium. Still, the flavours and development are what determines the profiles of the coffee.

When speciality coffee roasters need to roast the beans, they remember that these coffees have specific characteristics that need to shine for them to have personalities in each cup. When you're trying to decide what you’d like to drink, think of these profiles as the coffee's personality. It will make it easier for you to choose what coffee beans to buy.

Here's a list of the different personalities of coffee roast profiles:

Light roast coffee: The bright and gentle cup

A lot of people may find this type of roast challenging to appreciate because of its mild and delicate flavours. This type of roast is often described to be similar to tea. Coffees roasted with a light roast profile have bright floral or fruity notes, pronounced acidity, and a delicate body.

Roasting light roast speciality coffee can be quite tricky because there is a fine line between being underdeveloped and the right amount of development. When coffee doesn't reach the right stage of development, it will have notes of grass and raw vegetables. Coffees from Ethiopia and elevated farms in Africa translate well with light roast profiles.

Medium roast coffee: The vibrant and juicier cup

If you're new to the speciality coffee world and want a great introduction, start your journey with a medium roast profile. These cups have saturated and vibrant flavours of fruit and florals, incredibly juicy and round mouthfeel, and an overall balanced cup.

Kenyan and some coffees from South America taste better when roasted with a medium roast profile. This is because their elevation and process translate well with this type of roast. You'll find that the flavours are more prominent and you'll always have a pleasant cup no matter what brewing method you use.

Dark roast coffee: The nuttier and richer cup

Dark roast coffee is prevalent among regular coffee drinkers. This is because the flavours found in this cup are more approachable. Typical flavour profiles that you get in a dark roast are nuts and chocolates. This type of roast also has a full and creamier mouthfeel and body with a lower acidity compared to light and medium roast profiles.

Coffees from Brazil, Colombia, or even some Asian origins translate well when roasted with a darker roast profile. Their flavours and characteristics shine when they have a more developed profile.


Coffee is preferential, and not all of them will be roasted or brewed in the same way. This is why going on a coffee crawl or buying subscription coffee online is a great way to educate yourself on different coffees. Now that you know the different roast profiles of coffee, you'll be able to figure out what coffee personality fits best with yours.